
Panchakarma therapies are used to eliminate the impurities that accumulated in the body- the causative factor of dreadful diseases. The waste products and the morbid doshas (humors) will accumulate in the minute channels of the body. It will result in obstruction in the channels. Ayurveda says the morbid doshas should be drained through the nearest root as possible. Generally accepted five therapies are – Vamana, Virechana, Vasti, Nasya and Rakthamokshana. Fitness of the body determines what type of therapy is best for the patient
Vamana Therapy:( Medicated Vomiting/Emisis Therapy )
Prior to this therapy one should under go two important procedures- Amapachanam (Proper digestion of the undigested materials in the body with the help of internal medications and some procedures like Udwarthanam etc). According to the outcome of Amapachanam i.e. signs of proper digestion Snehapaanam (intake of ghee/oil/fat/marrow) can be done. It is followed by Samyak Snigdhana Lekshana (signs and symptoms of fully unctuous body) to the Vamana Poorvakarma (anointing the body with suitable medicated oils and swedation). On the next day Pradhanakarma i.e. Vamana is performed (the emmisis therapy) so that the morbid materials that are located above the chest will be drained. In case of disease condition the vitiated kapha which is responsible for the disease will be drained from the body. After this procedure Paschat Karma is done.
Purificatory treatment has been prescribed separately for each dosha. Vamana is intended for the removal of kapha dosha. However, this is not to be adopted in mere Kapha only but, necessary in case of Kapha’s conjunction with one dosha or with both other doshas. When any poisnous matter is consumed, whether knowingly or not, vamana or vomitings are to be induced urgently. In Ayurveda Vamana has been described as the treatment which helps to throw out the doshas or the toxins out of the body from upper part in the form of induced vomittings. Vamana is only given to the eligible candidates after proper and complete examination. After doing the full oiling of the body by means of proper massages and intake of medicinal oil, patient is prepared for Vamana.Vamana helps to remove any type of obstruction from any part of the body thereby making the rest part of the treatment more easy and beneficial. Vamana is helpful in Bronchial asthma, Cough, Heart burns, Anorexia, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Lunacy, Anaemia, Obesity, Goiter, Urticaria etc.
Virechana Therapy:( Medicated Purgation Therapy )
This is done after Vamana and Samsarjana Karma (diet restriction for enhancing digestive fire) 3days snehapana and 3days abhyanga & sweda then the very next day virechana .According to the dosha predominency we can do the virechana directly , with out vamana procedure but in such cases before doing this therapy one should under go amapachana and snehapana at least 3 to seven days .virechana will clean you up from the bottom half of the body in general but in some diseases which are pitta predominant like ulsers ,peptic/gastric ulsers chronic paithika type of atisaara (loose motion),udara asities etc… this procedure is the therapeutical purgation
Vasti Therapy:( Medicated Enema Therapy )
Vasti is ideal treatment for vata type of disorders. This is therapeutic enema where the medication is given through the rectal root the type of vasti according to the materials given. Two types of Vasti are - Anuvasana Vasti (vasti with medicated oil) and Nirooha Vasti (medicated combinations of kashaya (decotions), oil, ghee, honey and rocksalt. according to the predominance of dosha the combination will change. According to the duration of treatment course three types of vasti are recommended. One, Yogavasti (8 days of anuvasana and nirooha according to the respected therapeutic order) second the Kala vasti (16 days of anuvasana and nirooha according to the respected therapeutic order), third the.Karmavasti (30 days of anuvasana and nirooha according to the respected therapeutic order) This treatment is good for arthritis, haemeplegia and parkinson’s diseases.
Nasya Therapy: ( Nasal Instillation Therapy )
This is helpful in curing diseases of the head and diseases of the eyes nose etc. Nasya therapy is instillation of medicines like medicated ghee, oil, juice extract of leafs and fruits. The impurities which was accumulated will drain through the nose. Ayurveda considers head as the root of the body so the head should be taken care well because all the sense organs are located in head.
Raktamoksham. ( Blood Letting Therapy )
Rakthamoksha is bloodletting therapy where the drain of doshas through draining of vitiated blood. First snehana is performed for seven days and then rakthamokshana. There are several ways to do rakthamokshana like pracchanam, alaabu, jalookavacharanam, siravyadha, shrungavidhi etc but among them jalookavacharana (application of leach) and siravyadham (venisection) are famous for their quality and efficacy. Raktha is the second dhathu which is formed after the digestion. So the rakthamokshana will help to drain the impurities which is occurring from food soon before it reaches the deeper dhathus. This is beneficial in different diseases like almost all skin diseases, leucoderma, jawara and viserpalike.
Keraleeya Pancha Karma
Keraleeya panchakarma is the five kriyakramas which are used for the treatment in Ayurveda. Different modalities of the poorvakarmas are mentiend for the main shodhana therapies called panchakarma. This poorvakrmas are snehana and swedana. Though there are lot of difference of opinion in keralaeeya panchakarma they begin normally from rookshana therapy followed with snigdha and brihmhanatherapy. And all are agree - Udwartana, Abhyanga (uzhichil), Patrapotali swedam (elakkizhi), Kayasekam (pizhichil) and Shashtika shaali panda sweedam ( navarakizhi).