Joint Care

Over 180 million people in India suffer from Arthritis. The numbers are equally high in other countries like China, US & the UK. While there are over 100 different types of diseases that come under the broad term, Arthritis, for most people, it is characterized by intense and crippling pain in the joints. The condition attacks the joints and cartilage causing debilitating inflammation. In most cases, it is chronic and treatment options are limited to the use of painkillers, Biologic response modifiers and anti-inflammatory drugs that provide superficial and symptomatic relief at best. Long term usage of these medications has been reported to cause severe damage to numerous body functions and organs and patients often undergo other forms of supportive therapies to cope with them.
There are over 360 joints in the body that need to be nourished and protected from progressive deterioration that occurs with age and due to external factors. While it is no mean task, it isn’t impossible either. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help prevent joint breakdown. But the right nutritional support can be achieved by using certain herbs. Ancient Ayurveda recommends the use of certain herbs that are ordinarily used in culinary preparations for their powerful therapeutic benefits, especially in case of joint health. These herbs not only maintain the integrity of joint health, but also contain anti-inflammatory properties that helps provide symptomatic relief.
The first is balance of Vata to ensure that joints are nourished, bone density, mobility and comfort maintained and cracking sounds avoided. The second is to keep the body free from ama (toxins), generally caused by inappropriate diet or lifestyle, which can settle in the joints causing inflammation, discomfort and reduced mobility.
The first is balance of Vata to ensure that joints are nourished, bone density, mobility and comfort maintained and cracking sounds avoided. The second is to keep the body free from ama (toxins), generally caused by inappropriate diet or lifestyle, which can settle in the joints causing inflammation, discomfort and reduced mobility.
The strength of Ayurveda in the area of spine and joint treatment is globally appreciated. Since it addresses the root cause of the issue the results are fantastic. 'Spine Joint care' is a well planned health approach using all the possibilities of Ayurveda to treat various spine and joint problems like spondylitis, slip disc, sciatica, osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, scoliosis, sport injury, etc. The therapies like Ilakizhi (Pathrapotala swedam), Podikizhi (Choorna pinda swedam), Pizhichil, Kadeevasthi, Dhara, Sirovathi, Pichu and lepam included in the management and all directed towards relieving the inflammatory changes, releasing the spasm in the affected area, strengthening the supportive tissues holding the spine/joints, nourishing the joints through improving the circulation. This approach is also effective as a preventive way to avoid the possible spine and joint complications in people who had a history of back and neck problems.