
Dhara is a very ancient Ayurveda treatment system using mildly warm oil, and it’s a method well known all over the world. There are many varieties of Dhara in Ayurveda and all the Dhara’s are very result oriented and ensures curing of ailments. Dhara is an important therapy in Ayureda and it gives sudden relief from chronic headaches, insomnia, mental tension, hysteria, hallucination and insanity etc. Herbal oil, coconut water, milk, ghee, dhanyamlam etc. are the contents for preparing Dhara and this treatment is a quality contribution of the rishi medicinal science. Dhara has the convenience to prepare with different materials and as per the change of such things the name of the Dhara also changes. The main ingredient of every Dharas is medicated or herbal oil. It’ll take 14 days to finish a Dhara treatment course. It’s very amazing that Dhara gives quick remedy to many health problems and its meaningful treatment system of Ayurveda, which unveils the true values of rishi medicinal science. Dhara the treatment gets wide acceptance all over the world especially with westerners. Dhara treatment is 100% pure and natural and it plays a key role to uplift the dominance of Ayureda to a global access.
Dhara is mainly a fomentation process .In our hospital we mainly made use of tailam as the medicine for dhara.Dhara is a process in which a stream of medicamens (in liquid form) are made to fall on the body parts continuously for a stipulated time. Depending upon the body part in which the medicines are applying and the type of medicaments ysed it is classified as follows,
Shiro Dhara
In this process the medicaments are applied to the head region.By applying medicines here,the qualities of the applied medicine can be transeferred to all parts of the baody,so according to our classics we are considering head as the Uttama Anga,by this process the benefits are, Regulates the pressure inside the body , Timely movements of intracellular and extra cellular particles, Proper transmission of impulses through the afferent and efferent nerves of the central nervous system, Correction of hormonal imbalance of the body.
Thakra Dhara
In this process the medicaments are applied to the head region.By applying medicines here,the qualities of the applied medicine can be transeferred to all parts of the baody,so according to our classics we are considering head as the Uttama Anga,by this process the benefits are,Obesity , Hypertension , Head ache , Loss of sleep , Loss of memory, burning sensation in Diabetes Mellitus , Eczema , Psoriasis , Cardiac disorders.
Amla Dhara
Amla dhara holds satisfactory results in the following disorders,Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, Lardosis, Scoliosis, Stressful and strainful disorders of the spine.
Ksheera Dhara
As per our experience using pure milk as Dhara medicine we are getting satisfactory improvements in diseases like,Head ache of all types , Eye ailments , Loss of sleep due to over straining and mental tension , Untimely graying of hair.